label/All City Dublin (ACOLPX2)
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前作『Long Distance』が特大Hitとなったフランス人ビートメイカーOnraのフルアルバム「Chinoiseries PT 2」
Budamunk 「
Blunted Monkey Fist」「
Grimy Templ」、OYG「
Now...Then, Again
1. The Arrival
2. A New Dynasty
3. It's All Memories
4. Remember The Name
5. Open The Door
6. Gotta Go
7. Mai's Theme
8. Words Of Encouragement
9. Trapped
10. One For The Wu
11. No Matter What
12. Meet The Queen
13. Stay With Me
14. Opium Delirium
15. Cold Blooded
16. Where I'm From
17. Still Broke
18. Snakes & Smoke
19. Mai's Theme 2
20. Raw Shit
21. Ms. Ho
22. All Night
23. In My Mind
24. Hide And Seek
25. Play The Game
26. Warriors Pride
27. Like Father, Like Son
28. Fight Or Die
29. Through The Flesh
30. Tears Of Joy
31. They Got Breaks Two
32. The End

sub category - Hip Hop/Instrumental