101 Apparel / Disco Power (T-Shirts/size-L)

  • 101 Apparel / Disco Power (T-Shirts/size-L)
101 apparel disco power



label/101 Apparel

音楽に基づいた良質なデザインで好評の101 ApparelからT-Shirtsが入荷。某ディスコ・レーベルにインスパイアを受けた傑作T-Shirts。

Disco never died. It has been a shaping force of urban music even when it was forced underground by the record executives and mainstream audiences who were threatened by its asso- ciation with Black, Latino and hedonist culture. Even when it did go ‘underground’ in the early 80s it still reared its head in many contexts; Michael Jackson used it all throughout his seminal albums, post punk appropriated it for its own uses, Larry Levan was still playing it, it was being discovered in Ibiza and went onto become an influence on house and techno which became global forces in music. That’s the power of disco; the ability to channel the dreams and desires of disaffected urban youth and filter it through a hypnotic and infectious groove.

101 apparel disco power






  • 志水貴史 a.k.a 55King / Soul Makossa 2 (MIX-CD/紙ジャケ) 志水貴史 a.k.a 55King / Soul Makossa 2 (MIX-CD/紙ジャケ)


    大ヒット・シリース「Drumtic」お馴染み志水貴史氏から「Hip Hop & Latin」をテーマにしたシリーズ待望の第二弾「Soul Makossa 2」登場。ヒップホップ/ファンク/ジャズ/ラテン好きまでディープに楽しめる秀逸ミックスCD。

  • 志水貴史 a.k.a 55King / Soul Makossa (MIX-CD/紙ジャケ) 志水貴史 a.k.a 55King / Soul Makossa (MIX-CD/紙ジャケ)


    大ヒット「Drumtic」シリースお馴染み志水貴史氏から、「Hip Hop & Latin」をテーマにした「Soul Makossa」。定番ラテン・ファンクから、ラテン・ヒップホップ、ラテン・ブレクビーツ等をトリッキーかつスリリングに展開する大傑作。